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Resources, guides, and tools helping you to discover more of State Library's content and materials relating to Queensland.

Research guides

Looking up into the canopy of dense rainforest
Environment and sustainability
Access the collections, resources and content highlighting the diversity of Queensland's unique environment and the historic events that stood up to protect and preserve Queensland's natural wonders.
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Three photographers on the South Molle Reef pontoon, Whitsundays Region
Tourism in Queensland
We invite you to explore selected resources, collections, and research uncovering fascinating stories and facts linking to Queensland's iconic tourism status.
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Group of supporters waving placards and banners at the rally
LGBTQIA+ community
Access resources identifying the diversity of LGBTQIA+ communities in Queensland including evidence of the ongoing struggle for recognition and same-sex marriage equality which became legal in December 2017.
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Mocatta residence [architect Robin Gibson] in Yeronga, Queensland, c.1966.
Queensland architecture
State Library's rich architectural collections document the careers and work of noted and lesser-known architects. Explore a variety of collection resources related to Queensland architects, architectural practices and our distinctive built heritage.
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Several Australian South Sea Islander men loading cane stalks onto wagon in the field
Australian South Sea Islanders
Australian South Sea Islanders have a compelling heritage etched in the landscapes of Queensland. State Library has a vast array of collections and resources to explore, providing an insight into their history and contribution.
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People assemble in front of the locomotive on the opening day
Queensland railways
Access visual resources, collections and stories featuring the historical background of railways and their development in Queensland.
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Research tools

BibliographiesDatabaseseresourcesHow-to videosInformation collectionsTeaching resources
John Oxley Library blog
Explore stories about Queensland idenities, places, events, collections and the history of Queensland.
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Man reading newspaper in the Caboolture public library.
Searching newspapers
Find out how to access newspapers for research, techniques and search strategies.
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State Library fellows

Group of people
Queensland Memory Awards
Fellowships support researchers and creatives of all kinds to interpret the significant collections of the John Oxley Library.
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Research Reveals 2024 MC - ABC Weather presenter, Jenny Woodward, OAM.
Research Reveals Videos
By engaging with our collections, fellows provide new insights that enhance our understanding of Queensland’s history.
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A collection of early Radio Times magazines held at the John Oxley Library.
Read our fellows blogs
Discover the latest research findings and historical insights from State Library's fellows on our John Oxley Library Blog.
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Using the library

Practical information to help you get started using our services, collections and support.
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View of the exterior of the State Library building from the Brisbane River.

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Large family group sitting around a picnic with 3 people in a tree behind, 1900-1910
Family history
Access the resources and information of State Library of Queensland’s Family History collections.
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Woman gesturing to the screen of a laptop being used by a young person. A lamp is pointed towards them and behind them are wooden shelves.
Ask a librarian
If you have a general enquiry or would like to ask us a specific question we invite you to use one of the forms available or send us your feedback.
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Get in touch

Subscribe to receive your copy of the Queensland Memory e-newsletter or email Queensland Memory to discuss sharing your stories.