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state library of queensland
Queensland memorabilia
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Since 1934 the John Oxley Library has collected, preserved, and shared Queensland's memory. State Library is dedicated to community collaboration, collecting diverse materials that document the state's heritage. These collections promote public engagement for a deeper understanding of Queensland's history.

Sir Illuminated Album of water colours presented to His Excellency Lieutenant-General Sir John Goodwin
Explore the State Library's unique treasures and collections representing different aspects of Queensland's social history and contemporary stories.
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Boys carrying a bundle of cabbage palm leaves
First Nations
Explore the diversity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures through the photographs, manuscripts, oral histories and digital stories collections of the John Oxley Library.
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Traditional African dance at the Africa Day Celebrations. Photo by Dean Saffron.
Many voices
Queensland boasts a culturally and linguistically diverse society. Discover collections showcasing a selection of communities with materials in the John Oxley Library.
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View along Adelaide Street from George Street with the buildings decorated for the Royal Visit, 1954
Living Queensland
Explore the essence of Queensland life through the John Oxley Library's collection, showcasing landscapes, communities, and cultural celebrations.
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Saffron, D. (2012). 28430 Dean Saffron 2012 Queensland State Election Photographs March 2012.
Political persuasions
Politics in Queensland is topical and sometimes controversial. Explore the unique collections reflecting the contemporary influences on Queensland. The content has a distinctly Queensland focus.
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29250 Panorama of Medical and Nursing Staff during World War 1 at Yungaba Kangaroo Point Military Hospital 1917
Century of Service
Explore collections, blog posts and research about wartime history.
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Drawing of Queensland house
Built heritage
The John Oxley Library holds a vast collection of drawings, manuscripts, design plans, house plans, building designs and related materials with links to built heritage and architecture in Queensland. View a selection of them with digitised drawings, images and digital stories with architects as they talk about their work.
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