Guest blogger: Kay Gassan - President, Maryborough Family Heritage Institute Inc
Our Immigration Celebrations is an annual event.
This year, we are celebrating 150 years since the arrival of Sophie and Golden Land voyages to Maryborough in 1865, also, 140 years since the arrival of the Great Queensland, Gauntlet, Tim Whiffler and Star Queen. These vessels arrived in 1875.
Descendants of passengers from these sailing ships and any interested persons are invited to our event on Saturday 23rd May 2015. Registration will commence at 9:00am at the St Mary’s Parish Hall, Bazaar Street, Maryborough. There will be displays of family trees and also memorabilia. Descendants of the passengers are invited to display family photos, family trees and stories at this event. Morning tea and lunch is available – contact us for further information for catering purposes by early May 2015.
“Our Mary Heritage” will be doing a walk and talk of the Wharf Street Precinct free of charge at 2:30pm on Saturday afternoon. A Mary River Cruise from Hervey Bay to Maryborough or Maryborough to Hervey Bay on the MV Amaroo, will be held on Sunday 24th May 2015.
The Maryborough Family Heritage Institute Inc was presented with a Highly Commended Certificate at the Queensland National Trust Awards at Old Government House in 2014 for our Immigration Celebration Annual Event.
See us on our website – www.treeroots.com.au or Facebook Maryborough Family Heritage Institute Inc or email heritageresearch@bigpond.com
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