Jubilee Township, Bardon, Brisbane, 1887 (Map of the Week)
By JOL Admin | 13 June 2016
State Library of Queensland has an extensive collection of historical maps of Queensland, some of which have been digitised and can be viewed online.
Jubilee Township Estate, Bardon, Brisbane, 1887. John Oxley Library, State Library of Queensland
This Brisbane real estate map from 1887 is advertising 488 allotments of land for sale at the Jubilee Township estate in the suburb of Bardon. The allotments for sale were situated along Coronation Street, Crown Street, Accession Street, Empress Terrace, Royal Row, Proclamation Row (now part of Jubilee Terrace and Coopers Camp Road), Ithaca Parade (now called Fletcher Parade), Queen Street (now called Lewin Street), Victoria Street (now called Carmel Street), Guelph Street (no longer exists, now part of Jubilee Park), and Sceptre Row (no longer exists).
The Jubilee Township and its streets were named in honour of the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria which was celebrated in the same month.
Advertisement from Queensland Figaro, June 11, 1887
A public auction was held at the site on the afternoon of June 18, 1887. The Telegraph newspaper on June 20 published the following report –
"James R. Dickson & Company report a most satisfactory sale of the Jubilee Township, the attendance being exceedingly large and the bidding fairly spirited, which continued until darkness set in, thereby compelling all to leave the township, otherwise the whole of the first section could easily have been cleared out. The sale, so far, has realised the sum of £2,410 leaving the greater and finer portion of the township to be sold on the ground net Saturday, June 25, at 2 o'clock sharp."
A second auction was held on June 25. The Telegraph reported...
"Messrs. James K. Dickson and Company report a very satisfactory continuation sale of the Jubilee township, the attendance not being quite as large as might have been expectcd, owing to the encampment and other attractions. The bidding continued for the greater portion of the afternoon in a very spirited manner, enabling the auctioneer to dispose of allotments to the extent of £1,765 10s., which, togethcr with the amount realised at the first sale on Saturday, 18th June — £2,110, makes a grand total for first section of the jubilee township of £4,175 10s. sterling, leaving a balance of 110 allotments to be disposed of hereafter."
A higher resolution image of this map can be viewed through our One Search catalogue.
You can also browse a compendium of our previous maps of the week.
Myles Sinnamon – Project Coordinator, State Library of Queensland
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