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Garden stories in a time of pandemic: workshop outcomes

By Dr Mimi Tsai, 2022 John Oxley Library Fellow | 27 February 2024

This blog was written by 2022 John Oxley Library Fellow Dr. Mimi Tsai, as part of her fellowship project, Vernacular Landscapes and Queensland Memories: Exploring Queensland’s resilience through narratives of therapeutic environments.

The purpose of these workshops was to explore the role of landscape, including gardens and gardening, during the pandemic and to capture people’s lives during this critical time. With great gratitude, the digital storytelling workshop has been completed. It’s now time to reflect on the outcomes.

These co-creative digital storytelling workshops were held at The Edge, State Library of Queensland, on the 31st of March, 4th of August, and 6th of October 2023. Workshops were also conducted in Toowoomba on the 6th and 13th of September 2023. These workshops engaged voices from Cooktown, Rockhampton, Toowoomba, Cairns, Burleigh Waters, Nambour, and Brisbane. Additionally, participants included migrants from Colombia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Mauritius, Fiji, and Taiwan, among others.

Here is a recording from my radio interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC):

Dr Mimi Tsai's radio Interview with Australian Broadcast Corporation ABC on 15th of May 2023. Recording courtesy the ABC. 

2022 John Oxley Library Fellow, Dr Mimi Tsai with participants of her storytelling workshop.

2022 John Oxley Library Fellow, Dr Mimi Tsai with participants of her storytelling workshop.

In the workshops, participants shared their life journeys and stories with each other. Narrative is a meaning-making process. There were stories with sadness, fear, and depression, yet simultaneously, there existed narratives of hope, love, sharing, and caring. I feel privileged to listen to people’s journeys during the COVID-19 pandemic and also feel grateful that we live in Queensland, a land that gives its dwellers opportunities to self-sustain and be away from the chaos during difficult times. At the same time, it connects us when we were also so isolated.

The full collection of stories can be found on the Garden stories in a time of pandemic YouTube Channel: Garden stories in a time of pandemic.

Garden stories in a time of pandemic YouTube Channel.

All stories were coded into six different but interlinking themes.

Theme 1: Together/Apart

Indeed, the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst for fostering connections in various ways. While presenting significant challenges, the crisis has also prompted individuals and communities to come together in unique and impactful ways. Here are some stories that exemplify the spirit of togetherness.

'A Pandemic Pomodor' by Marge Sully.

'Happiness is a Garden' by Kristine McIntyre.

Theme 2: Gardening as enriching 

As people faced the challenges and uncertainties of these times, cultivating plant emerged as a therapeutic and fulfilling activity.

'A Constant Gardener/Traveler Of The Mind’ by Gahhing Ting

'Garden as an avenue' by Karen Amato.

Theme 3: Memories

Gardens often hold a special place in people's hearts, as they are spaces filled with beauty, growth, and memories. Here I have a beautiful story that transforms the backyard garden and makes it a place of special memories.

'The Rock in My Garden' by Roxanne Honda.

Theme 4: Safe spaces

It is a very common theme that people seek garden space as a safe space during difficult times. A garden can be a sanctuary, a safe space that provides comfort, solace, and a refuge from the stresses of life.

'Nurtured by Nature - playing safely in the garden during the Pandemic' by Vikki Hartog.

'Sacred Garden' by Ramona Barstys

Theme 5: Change/Opportunities

While the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about challenges and hardships, it has also created an environment that fosters change and presents new opportunities.

'Cabin Fever' by Michael.

'My New Journey' by Joanna Osborn.

Theme 6: Joy

Garden space can indeed bring joy and numerous benefits during challenging times, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

'A Year in a Toowoomba Garden' by Yvonne Blakeney.

'Yard Connections' by Carlos Estrada Grajales

'My COVID story ' by Fausto Vergara.

If you are interested to know more about this project, please feel free to reach out to


Dr Mimi Tsai, 2022 John Oxley Library Fellow.

Other blogs by Mimi Tsai

Dr Mimi Tsai's Youtube channel:

2022 John Oxley Library Fellow, Dr Mimi Tsai.

Mimi's project is called ‘Vernacular Landscapes and Queensland Memories: Exploring Queensland’s resilience through narratives of therapeutic environments’. 

The project explores the role of people-place relationships in Queensland history by examining three diverse cases that share healing stories - prison farming in H.M. Penal Establishment of St. Helena Island, Queensland war gardens and Chinese market gardening. Learning new perspectives from these histories, this fellowship will then investigate Queenslanders’ COVID-19 pandemic gardens and gardening experiences over the past two years. 

In this video, the 2022 fellows discuss their research projects one year into the program, providing insights into State Library's fellowship experience.


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