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Reading, writing and ideas

Dream, write, win: enter the 2024 Young Writers Award

By BValentino | 30 April 2024

Wordsmiths and dreamers, we want to hear from you! Ever felt that surge of excitement when your pen meets paper, your fingers dance across the keyboard, and a story begins to unfold? State Library of Queensland's Young Writers Award (YWA) is open for 2024 and we’re excited to find and celebrate short stories and a diversity of young and exciting new Queensland voices. Wherever you are in our state – Mackay, Toowoomba, Hervey Bay, Gold Coast, Bundaberg, Cairns, Goondiwindi, Brisbane, or somewhere else – you can enter

Winners will be given the chance to have their work published by literary journal, Kill Your Darlings, which can boost your writing career and expose your work to a wider audience. With more eyes on your work, it could also open the door for future opportunities!

Author and poet Shastra Deo, whose story ‘The Minutes Turn to Ours’ was named runner-up in 2012, shared with us that participating in the award marked the first time she had shared her writing with a public audience under her own name. Prior to this, she had mainly engaged in writing fan-fiction, which provided a supportive community but little public recognition. Being a YWA runner-up represented a significant step in her journey as a writer.

Shastra Deo wears a denim jacket and stands against a dark background, smiling

Shastra's latest collection of poems is The Exclusion Zone, published by UQP in 2023. 

The cash prizes offered, including $2,000 for first prize and $500 for up to three runners-up, can provide important financial support and cover expenses related to furthering your writing career, such as attending workshops, or purchasing books or a new laptop. 

In 2015, Grace McCarter won with her story ‘Surface’ and the prize money was more than she had ever received at once. This financial boost enabled her to overcome hurdles in her life, such as moving out of home and getting closer to opportunities aligned with her future aspirations. It opened up opportunities for her writing career. Publishers approached her with informal mentorship offers and requests for samples of longer-form work. Her story was featured in Award Winning Australian Writing the following year, and another story of hers was shortlisted for the YWA in 2017. She was also invited to speak on a panel at the inaugural Young Writers Conference and conduct workshops through programs like Express Media Toolkits.

Grace McCarter wears a black top and looks away from the camera, against a red background

Grace's story, 'Surface', is set on a farm in Nanango. The narrator remembers: "As soon as I hit the water, I closed my eyes and mouth, and pinched my nose shut with both hands. I stayed that way until I felt calm, and opened my eyes."

Preparing and submitting a story for the Young Writers Award can be a valuable learning experience. It challenges you to refine your writing skills, hone your craft, and gain a deeper understanding of submission and selection processes within the literary world.

Writer and broadcaster Benjamin Law was a runner-up in 2006 for his story ‘Simon Says’. Entering was valuable, he said, also telling us that his story for the YWA contained elements that foreshadowed themes and ideas that would later feature prominently in his best-selling memoir, The Family Law. He recalls being awed and a little intimidated by the prospect of entering. Despite Ben's initial apprehension, being recognised as a runner-up in the YWA was a massive morale boost. It provided validation and encouraged him to continue pursuing his passion.

Writer Benjamin Law in a white t-shirt and jeans is seated smiling

Ben is the author or editor of 4 books of non-fiction plus co-executive producer, co-creator and co-writer of Wellmania (Netflix, 2023).

You could be the next Benjamin, Shastra or Grace – don't let doubt hold you back. Seize this opportunity to share your voice with the world. Submit your entry to the Young Writers Award today and pave the way for your own literary journey.

The Young Writers Award is free to enter! Entries open now and close Monday 13 May at 5 pm AEST.

Learn more about past winners and enter here. We can't wait to read your work! 


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