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An image taken from outside State Library of Queensland on a blue, clear day.
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Changed access to State Library

Changed access to Cultural Centre carparks

Brisbane City Council has permanently closed Victoria Bridge to general traffic. The closure means that all traffic will need to access the State Library and other Cultural Centre carparks via Stanley Place (from the Grey Street and Peel Street intersection, or Montague Road). 

There will be increased traffic around State Library due to the changed access routes. You may need to factor in additional travel time. 

Check the map below for entry and exit points. More information about the carparks (including opening hours and rates) is available from Arts Queensland.

Vehicle access map to the Queensland Cultural Centre carparks.

Victoria Bridge will be converted to a green bridge for public transport (buses and eventually Brisbane Metro), cyclists and pedestrians. There is no prescribed detour between South Bank and the CBD.

Alternative vehicle connections to the Cultural Centre precinct are:

  • William Jolly Bridge
  • Go-Between Bridge
  • Captain Cook Bridge
  • Story Bridge.

In addition to Victoria Bridge and vehicle bridges, active transport connections to the Cultural Centre precinct include:

  • Kurilpa Bridge
  • Goodwill Bridge.

A dedicated, separated two-way bikeway will be installed on William Street (from Elizabeth Street), Victoria Bridge and Melbourne Street (to Grey Street) in South Brisbane as part of the CityLink Cycleway trial. Bicycle parking is located out the front of State Library.

More information (including FAQs and maps) about the permanent closure of Victoria Bridge is available from Brisbane City Council. You can also read about the history of Victoria Bridge on our blog.

Local construction works

To facilitate the delivery of the Brisbane Metro project, significant road and development works are underway through South Bank to prepare for the changes.

The Grey Street, Peel Street and Stanley Place intersection outside the front of State Library has been upgraded to improve capacity and efficiency for traffic entering and exiting the Cultural Centre carparks.

Other construction works are continuing in the vicinity of State Library. Check the Brisbane City Council website for the latest updates.

More about the Brisbane Metro

Brisbane City Council announced the development of the Brisbane Metro project in 2016 to address congestion bottlenecks in the city and constraints on the bus network.

Brisbane Metro will provide a 21-kilometre service connecting 18 stations along dedicated busways between Eight Mile Plains and Roma Street, and Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital and University of Queensland. New high-capacity and high-frequency Metro services will link with suburban bus and train services as part of a better-planned network.