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Awards FAQs

Answers to frequently asked questions about the John Oxley Library Award and the John Oxley Library Community History Award

The John Oxley Library Award is awarded to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the appreciation of Queensland history. No monetary award is gifted.

The John Oxley Library Community History Award is awarded to a community organisation or group who have made an outstanding contribution to the preservation, recording and sharing of Queensland history. The recipient receives a one-off $5,000 gift.

Both awards are annual

John Oxley Library Award is open to Australian residents in any discipline or form of expression. A posthumous nomination can also be made. 

John Oxley Library Community History Award is open to Australian community organisations or groups, not an individual who is part of a group. 

  • Individuals can not self-nominate
  • Applications from University or Australian Research Council (ARC) research teams will not be accepted.
  • People or organisations who reside outside of Australia.
  • Projects that are a component of post graduate studies are not eligible.
  • Current State Library of Queensland employees and board members are ineligible to apply

John Oxley Library Award is a recognition only award with no monetary stipend. Supported by Queensland Library Foundation. 

John Oxley Library Community History Award recipient receives a one off payment of $5000. Supported by Queensland Library Foundation 

Nominations must be submitted through SmartyGrants

While nominations are accepted at any time, the selection process occurs after the annual Queensland Memory Awards call for nominations closes. In 2024, this will be mid-August.


The process is as follows: 

  • nominations for both awards are submitted via Smarty Grants
  • nominations are checked for completeness and eligibility by State Library of Queensland.  
  • a longlist of both internal and external nominees is developed by State Library for both awards
  • the longlist of nominees is forwarded to an independent judging panel made up of professionals with expertise in the area of Queensland history
  • judges read and assess the nominees against the selection criteria.  
  • judges decide on a shortlist and then award the applicant with the highest merit against the selection criteria as the successful applicant.

John Oxley Library Award

  1. Significance - high quality, original and creative output(s) in the field of Queensland history 35%
  2. Impact - advanced public understanding and appreciation of Queensland history, including fostering new perspectives 35%
  3. Professionalism and leadership - role model for others and encouraging best practice 30%

John Oxley Library Community History Award

  1. Significance - significant and relevant output(s) in the field of Queensland history 35%
  2. Impact - increasing community access to and awareness of Queensland history, increasing capacity and/or capability of the sector and community  35%
  3. Collaboration - collaborative approach to project/s and demonstrates sharing of knowledge  30%

You can find the selection criteria in the award guidelines. Award guidelines are released each year before applications open. 

Judging panels include sector professionals with subject matter expertise relevant to the award they are judging. Membership of each panel offers a diversity of perspectives and experiences. The names of all the 2024 Queensland Memory Awards judges are listed on the Judging webpage.


The successful recipients were announced at the 2024 Queensland Memory Awards ceremony, held on 2 November 2023. You can find a list of the winners and their groundbreaking research projects in our blog.

  • If possible attend the Queensland Memory Awards announcement event to accept the award (or send a representative)
  • Participate in any media coverage about the award

You can request feedback. Please email 

Funds can be spent at the discretion of organisation to support their area of historic interest.

Yes. Nominees work must be relevant to Queensland history. 

No, but they must reside in Australia 

Your nominations should address the selection criteria set out in the guidelines. You may also include links to relevant online projects or initiatives. You also have the opportunity to upload pdf documents or images (maximum of 3 attachments)

Yes. You will need to provide three referees. 

Reach out to us at so that we can help you.  

Yes. You can save your work as many times as you like before you submit.  

Keep up to date on the latest news via our website, or contact 

No. As 'impact' is one of the selection criteria, it is important that the nomination originates from a third party. 

More information

Woman sitting at a computer with desk lamp.
Queensland Memory Awards
Awards recognise outstanding contributions made to advance our understanding of Queensland’s cultural heritage.
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Judge Charles Jameson, ca. 1915
Information about the judging processes and how applications are assessed.
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Diver inspects the foundation at Pier 26E, Story Bridge, Brisbane, 1936.
Past fellows and recipients
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