Last week I travelled to Woorabinda in Central Queensland, to continue the Tellin’ Country digital art project. I was extra excited because it's the first time I got to travel with Nadine (aka Mrs Boss) for this project. I was thrilled to have her assist in the workshops and for her to see, first hand, my process of creating digital art stories in partnership with community.
I was lucky enough to be working with the Wadja Wadja High School again. The week was made up with two public holidays and one pupil free day, so we only had two intensive days with the group. So this trip was very short and sweet.
We flew up on Tuesday and went and had a yarn with our friend Milton Lawton. Milton is a traditional owner and respected Elder. He is incredibly knowledgeable and very generous with his time. Milton offered to tell some stories to the kids so they could retell them in the form of stop motion animation.
We wanted to tie in with the theme of the Taroom Walk which is an upcoming event that will re-enact the exodus of Aboriginal people from Taroom to Woorabinda which happened in 1927.
Milton spoke of an old windmill that was also transported from Taroom to Woorabinda and we agreed that this would make a great animated story. The well and tunnel were dug by hand with hammer and chisel, through solid rock that dynamite couldn't even crack. It was an amazing story of hard work and perseverance and a reminder of how tough those days were for their grandparents.
The grade 8 and 9 class spent time listening to the story, then together we made a storyboard. We made the characters and backgrounds using various craft materials. The second day was spent putting together the animation via an iPad app called iMotion, recorded the audio and edited them together with another iPad app called Pinnacle.
I need to do some basic editing before uploading and sharing via YouTube, so give me about a week, but it will be added to these great stories that were created last time we were up - Tellin' Country Woorabinda .
We had a great time in Woori and I can't wait to go back, hopefully for a longer stay!
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