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state library of queensland

Tear It Up

By Administrator | 3 June 2013

I must say I'm pretty excited about this Saturday's Tear It Up event that's being held across the SLQ precinct. I'm one of those people who can categorically say that the punk rock movement profoundly affected the course of my life, and that its spirit informs pretty much all of my decision making processes.

So let's be clear- the spirit behind punk (to me, there as as many facets to this thing as there are to any religious or ideological movement) is one of independence, and a rigorous questioning of the world around you. It's about not sitting on your laurels, and the process of constant re-invention. It's about activity, and community, and an acknowledgement of the importance of past deeds and trailblazers without lapsing into the fog of nostalgia, which is a comforting poison that paralyzes forward momentum.

It's about not waiting for permission to do something. Want to make a record? Make one. Dreaming of being a writer or a painter? You already are - just go and do it. You don't need approval from the arbiters of taste, popularity or manners.
This Saturday, as part of the larger Live! Queensland band culture celebration of over 160 years of music culture, I'm pleased to have a small part in a day celebrating the DIY aesthetic and the many forms it can take. From local independent stall holders, through to live panel discussions, and performances spanning the worlds of folk, D-Beat, and hip hop, it's going to be a day of diversity, reflection and most importantly another day stepping into a future of boundless possibility.

There's nothing definitive about it, as the world of the underground is amorphous and constantly shifting.  This is an event that's happening at SLQ, but not constrained by its walls or categorized into a sealed box. It's SLQ doing its job, acting as a community centre, a supporter of local arts. It's live, in real time.  There's no absolute story to be told here, there are as many different perspectives as there are people in attendance - be they performing on a stage, watching the proceedings, handing out flyers, or even hearing about something that happened from a friend after the fact.

All told, it's going to be a great day. One of many, that we make ourselves, as we create our own stories.

Live! Second Saturday Tear It Up | Sat 8 Jun, 3pm-9pm | Free, bookings required


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