Start a Business on a Ramen Noodle Budget: 12 Lessons on Becoming a Young Entrepreneur When You are Broke! (ebook)
By Administrator | 7 July 2016
Author: Felecia Hatcher
You don't need millions of dollars to get your business idea off the ground, but you do need to START, with what you have and where you probably are, on a Ramen Noodle budget! If you can get creative with Ramen Noodles, you can get creative with your limited resources and overcome any roadblocks to starting your own business. Think about it: Ramen Noodles are one of the cheapest meals on the planet, but when you get creative and add additional ingredients you have at your fingertips, you can transform it from an inexpensive meal from your college "glory days" into a "grown-up" gourmet meal. You know you have what it takes to launch a startup. Now is the time to harness that gritty scrappiness, tap into your network to gather the resources you need to launch your business, and stand out-even with limited funds. Start Your Business on a Ramen Noodle Budget will show you how to: Leverage your limited resources and create your own opportunities; Set unrealistic goals, with 5 key strategies-including when and why your goals should self-destruct!; "Steal from celebrities" and become a media darling-and get tons of free press and social media mentions; Dig deep, create a unique niche, and become a major disruptor and Start the business you've been dreaming about! Nothing in this book is dry and boring. The quick-reading, highly informative chapters include such fun titles as "Carpe Noodle," "Stretching the Noodle," "Beware of the Drunken Noodle," No One Wants a Boring Noodle," "Every Noodle Has a Story"-and more-everything you need to get your business going on that Ramen Noodle Budget!
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