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state library of queensland

How might we design out homelessness?

By administrator | 26 August 2013

SLQ is challenging leading designers to step outside their comfort zone and apply their way of thinking in new contexts.

Think Outside is a new talk series at SLQ, which invites local, national and international designers and design thinkers to contemplate a problem outside their area of expertise, offering new and unexpected solutions for discussion.

The series launches on Tuesday 17 September where panellists will be asked ‘how might we design out homelessness’.

Christian Duell, Manager of the SLQ Asia Pacific Design Library, said people often talk about design in terms of end products, but sometimes it’s better to think about design as a process, as a way of thinking.

“Design thinking is becoming increasingly recognised as a powerful process for creatively exploring the challenges of the 21st century, beyond the traditional realm of designing products,” said Mr Duell.

“The Think Outside series puts this idea into practice. We’re excited to start the series with such a complex issue as homelessness, and are curious to see what ideas our design thinkers come up with” he said.

The design thinkers making up the panel in September will be typographer and designer Catherine Griffiths, co-founder of Holloway Eyewear Raffaele Persichetti, and QUT Associate Professor Dr Barbara Adkin.

Each speaker will have 10 minutes to present their ideas, setting the platform for a considered debate and discussion to follow around the practical implications of these new ideas.

There will be three events in the Think Outside series. In October speakers will explore the challenge of creating sustainable eco-tourism, and in November they’ll take a look at possibilities for a more ethical and sustainable economic system.

Visit for more details, and to book tickets.

When: Tue 17 Sep, 15 Oct & 5 Nov, 6.30pm | Where: SLQ Auditorium 1, level 2, State Library of Queensland | Tickets: Free, bookings required

Media enquiries: Alexia Saeck, SLQ Communications


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