The State Library has purchased a perpetual access licence to a comprehensive repository of primary and secondary resources relating to the First World War. It is available to any Queensland resident who has an SLQ Library card or a QPL account.
The database is divided into three components: Personal Experiences, Recruitment and Propaganda and Visual Narratives. It includes a wide variety of resources: diaries and journals, letters, oral histories, photos, scrapbooks and albums, posters, maps, artwork – the list goes on.
Especially engaging are the series of interactive maps, 360 degree view objects and walk-throughs which give a vivid sense of what it must have been like. Visual Narratives includes an art feature showcasing prominent war artists and their paintings of the time.
The material can be used for a variety of purposes – from secondary or tertiary study through to general interest or more in-depth research.
Many institutions have contributed: Cambridge University Library, Alexander Turnbull Library, National Library of New Zealand and The British Library to name a few.
This rich resource can be accessed from the eresources area of our website.
AnnMaree Darke, Information Collections Co-ordinator, Published Materials, State Library of Queensland
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