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Enduring partnership with local government

State Library of Queensland has enduring partnerships with 75 local councils and 1 town authority to support the delivery of more than 325 public libraries and Indigenous Knowledge Centres (IKC). Public libraries and IKCs across Queensland are valued, thriving, place based cultural and social hubs responsive to the changing needs of Queenslanders and contributing to the liveability of local communities.  

The Public libraries and IKCs Roadmap, developed in collaboration with local government, drives the local ambitions and collective impact of Queensland public libraries and IKCs now and into the future.  

State Library administers Public Library and First 5 Forever Funding, including distribution of annual subsidies and competitive grants to local authorities to support collections, staffing, programs and services; and providing statewide collections, projects, services, campaigns and research that drive innovation, builds capability of public libraries and IKCs and advocates for and celebrates the collective impact of public library and IKC services. 
See State Library’s funding and services commitments to public libraries and IKCs for 2024-26. 

State Library actively builds partnerships with government, corporate and philanthropic bodies to create opportunities for enhanced library services and programs across Queensland. 

Dad with his toddler son reading a book
First 5 Forever
A statewide program providing strong early literacy foundations for all Queensland children aged 0-5 years.
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IKC browsing
Indigenous Knowledge Centres
Indigenous Knowledge Centres (IKCs) are owned and operated by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Councils. Councils are responsible for the physical infrastructure, staffing and day to day operations.
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RLQ staff at Brisbane PD
Rural Libraries Queensland
Rural Libraries Queensland represents a significant collaboration between local governments and the State Library of Queensland to provide high quality public library services to rural communities.
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Please note these links will take you to the local council website which operates the public library you’re looking for.

Public library collections

State Library provides physical collections and eresources to support public libraries, Indigenous Knowledge Centres (IKC), and their members throughout Queensland. Library collections, funded through the Public Libraries Grant, foster equitable access to information for all Queenslanders. 

Public Libraries Connect

Public Libraries Connect is a gateway to content, information and services for staff working in Queensland public libraries and Indigenous Knowledge Centres. It includes resources for library management, public library standards, support for specialist services provided by libraries, and access to professional networks and development opportunities.