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Public library collections

State Library provides physical collections and eresources to support public libraries, Indigenous Knowledge Centres (IKC), and their members throughout Queensland. Library collections, funded through the Public Libraries Grant, foster equitable access to information for all Queenslanders. 

Collections for all Queensland Public Libraries

Known as a 'statewide collection', physical library resources and selected eresources are provided to all Queensland public libraries for the benefit of their members. Access to these resources is via your local library service, with eresources available from your local library’s website or catalogue.
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Image of library shelves

Rural Libraries and Indigenous Knowledge Centre Collections

If you are a member of a library in the Rural Libraries Queensland network, or Indigenous Knowledge Centre, State Library provides physical collections and eresources specifically intended to meet the unique information, recreation, literacy and cultural needs of their rural and indigenous communities.
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Marlborough Library

Find a public library or IKC

Search for your nearest library branch or IKC and explore services and resources available to you.
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Library staff member assisting library members at Cairns City Library, Cairns Regional Council.