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state library of queensland

Donate to Reel Rescue

Four children playing in a garden.

Donate to Reel Rescue

Help us to preserve and digitise our precious audiovisual history for future generations.

Donate now

Time is running out

Leading experts agree the contents of magnetic audio and video tapes are at risk of being lost forever if we don’t act quickly.

State Library holds more than 8,000 audiovisual items, dating back to the 1920s. This content is rich in history, shares the stories of Queenslanders and has significant cultural impact.

The deterioration of these records would mean losing a part of the lived experiences of Queensland. As a leading research library, it is our responsibility to help prevent this, but we can’t do it alone.

Since 2018, Reel Rescue has been preserving and digitising fragile films, videos and audio recordings held in State Library’s collections.

Help State Library continue to capture the heritage and culture of our state as we have done for over 120 years.

Your donation will help fund our digitisation program, ensuring we can preserve these unique memories and stories of our Queensland yesteryear for all generations to come.

Please donate to Reel Rescue today to save our stories for all future Queenslanders.

Your donation will help preserve unique Queensland lifestyle memories and stories.