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Celebrating 20 years of Indigenous Knowledge Centres
IKCs are a hub for community, providing a place to gather and participate in programs based on community interests including traditional knowledge, culture and languages.
The first 7 IKCs opened in 2002, at Lockhart River, Aurukun, Erub, Mabauig, New Mapoon, Pormpuraaw and Wujal Wujal. Since then, a number of other centres have opened and now there are 26 across Queensland all created in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Shire and Regional Councils.
State Library of Queensland partners with councils across Queensland to deliver library services. There are currently more than 320 public libraries, Rural Libraries Queensland (RLQs) and Indigenous Knowledge Centres (IKCs) across Queensland. IKCs are library services specifically delivered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander councils across Queensland.