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Family history research guides

Use State Library's research guides to learn more detail about family history resources to help you discover your ancestors.

Getting started with family history

Family history is more than the basic facts. Follow our guide on how to begin tracing your family tree. Find out the steps to follow, and where to start looking for information.
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Family group of two adults and 5 children eating lunch beside a truck, 1918

There are many different types of records that relate to births, deaths and marriages in Australia and overseas. Use the following research guides to discover the resources you need to get started when locating civil birth, death and marriage records; Australian parish records, adoption records, divorce records, cemetery records plus records relating to orphanages, children’s homes and child migrants.

Birth, death and marriage records

Birth, death and marriage records can provide useful information to trace your family history. Find out what official records are available, and for what time period, in Australia as well as New Zealand and England and Wales. Discover other useful indexes, and learn some helpful tips when searching for birth, death and marriage records.

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England and Wales birth, death and marriage indexes

Civil registration began in England and Wales in 1838. Find information about what records are available for births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales. Learn how the birth, death and marriage indexes are arranged, and why some records are hard to find. Discover what other indexes are available and what you can access online.

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Australian parish records

Before civil registration began, church records of baptisms, marriages and burials are the main way of tracking the major life events. Find out what parish records are available for churches in Australia, and for what time period. This includes what is held at State Library and elsewhere.

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Adoption records

Find advice on how to access and locate adoption records in Australia, including First Nations peoples adoptions and overseas adoptions. Discover what resources are available to place and trace parties involved in an adoption.

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Divorce records

Records associated with the breakdown of marriage are often those that can most fully 'flesh out' a family history. Divorce files may contain marriage certificates, correspondence and a great deal of information about the family. Discover what divorce records are available and where you can locate them in Australia and overseas.

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Cemetery records

Cemetery records allow people to trace their ancestors to a particular area and time, and may provide links to other members of the family buried in the same cemetery. Discover the type of information you may get from cemetery records, and find out some of the records held at State Library.

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Wills, probate and intestacies

Wills can be a vital resource for family historians, but only approximately 5% -10% of all wills go to probate. They often contain information difficult to access elsewhere. Discover where to locate wills in Australia as well as Great Britain and New Zealand, and how to access them.

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Orphanages, institutions and child migrants records

Children were often sent to orphanages or homes if both parents died or if one parent died and the other couldn't cope, and there was no-one else to care for them. Access to most records relating to orphanages and children’s homes is restricted. Discover what resources are available at State Library and online to help locate records for orphanages, children's institutions and child migrants.

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European settlement in Australia began in 1788. Since then millions of people from Europe and around the world have arrived in Australia. How did your ancestors come to Australia? Why did they come? Did they migrate for a better life, or were they convicts serving time? Find out about their voyage and migration. Use our research guides to chart your family's journey with State Library's collections.

Immigration and shipping: getting started

Settlement in Australia began in 1788 with the arrival of convicts. From there free settlers and immigrants began travelling to Australia under various government schemes. Each state looked after its immigration until the federal government took over in the 1920s. Discover some of the indexes and resources that can be used to locate the immigration records of your ancestors. See what’s available at State Library and what you can find online.

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Immigration and shipping: more than lists

Using State Library collections and online sources find out where to search for immigrant ships and their voyages, explore personal accounts, locate ships' pictures and learn where to find out about the immigrant's experience. Discover where to search for records for seamen or find out about ship wrecks.

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German immigrants and immigration

German immigrants began arriving in Australia in large numbers from 1838. They came from areas not necessarily part of the Germany of today. Discover resources that can help with location and general German genealogy, as well as shipping details for German ancestors and other online resources. Learn about what other resources are helpful in tracing immigration details.

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Tracing Huguenot heritage

Huguenots fled France to escape persecution. Approximately 20-30% of the English population have Huguenot ancestors somewhere in their background. Large numbers of migrants from the British Isles came to settle in Australia so many Australians also have Huguenot ancestry. Learn how to identify Huguenot ancestry. Discover the types of records that are available, where they are located and what State Library holds.

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Naturalisation records

Non-British migrants did not have the same rights and privileges as British settlers. Legislation in 1849 formalised the process of naturalisation, giving settlers most of the rights their fellow British colonists enjoyed, including the right to own land. Find information about where to locate naturalisation records in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, and what's available at State Library.

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See also child migrants (located under 'Births, deaths and marriages')

See also British Army in colonial Australia (located under 'Occupations')

Transportation of convicts to Australia occurred between 1788 and 1868. Depending on the time period; convicts were sent to New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Queensland and Western Australia. Convicts were extensively documented from their trials, transportation records and steps towards freedom such as tickets of leave, conditional pardons and certificates of freedom.

Convict records: getting started

Step by step guide in beginning your search for convict records. Learn how to use British and Australian records, online and at State Library, to find the arrival of your convicts.

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Convict records: finding out even more

Once you locate the right convict, what are the next steps to finding more information? Discover what the British records can tell you. Check out what records are available through Museums of History NSW Archives Collection, and see how these records can help. Find out what State Library holds for Moreton Bay convicts.

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See also Colonial Secretary's correspondence: letters recieved re Moreton Bay 1822-1860 (located under 'Social history')

See also Census and muster records (located 'Electoral rolls, directories and census records')

A family history is not just a listing of facts. It is being able to find information that will put people in a place at a certain time. This enables you to create a picture of their life. Our research guides can help you discover how these resources can provide historical context. They are also useful when trying to discover more about who lived in a particular house at a particular time.

Electoral rolls

Electoral rolls list people eligible and registered to vote, whether at federal, state or local government elections. Electoral rolls can provide useful information, showing where a person may have lived over time. Discover what electoral rolls are available at State Library for Queensland and for the other states.

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Directories, almanacs and gazetteers

Almanacs, post office and trade directories are useful for tracing the addresses and movements of ancestors. A listing in the directory can help confirm a person’s whereabouts at a certain time. Discover the different types of almanacs, directories and gazetteers; what they can be used for and what State Library holds for each state.

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Queensland Post Office Directories (1868-1949)

Post office directories, trade directories and almanacs are useful for tracing the location and movements of people and businesses in the past. A listing can confirm a person’s address at a certain time, and may provide clues as to their occupation or year of death. Discover more about the directories published in Queensland between 1868 and 1949.

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Census and muster records

Census and muster records show where a person was living at a particular time in history. In Australia, only early 19th century census records still exist. Discover what records are available for Australia, and for where. See what records State Library holds for overseas.

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Records for occupations can be an important source of information about when (and where) your ancestors worked, how they made their living and what type of life they led. They help provide more detail to your family tree. Find out what resources State Library has on some specific occupations, and where else you can search.


Knowing an occupation of your ancestor can lead to a better understanding of your ancestors’ life. Find out what resources may help in discovering how your ancestors worked for a living.

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Blue Books

The Blue Books (also known as Civil Establishment, Returns of the Colony, or Statistical Returns) were usually published each year. They listed most public servants currently employed by the government. Learn about the Blue Books and discover what information they hold. See what records are held at State Library.

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British Army in Colonial Australia

The duties of the military in colonial Australia are a useful guide to the records available. Many soldiers settled in Australia permanently and acquired land grants. Find out how to locate a military ancestor, and discover some of the resources held at State Library.

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Police records

Discover where to find police service records in Australia. Find out where to locate police gazettes for each state, and what information is available. Learn where else to find material relating to reports on crimes.

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Pubs and publicans

Pubs played an important role in ancestors’ lives. They were important landmarks and centres of social activities in many towns and cities. They also provided employment for the publicans and many workers.

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Queensland mining accidents

Between 1882 and 1945, the Queensland Legislative Assembly Votes and Proceedings (later known as Queensland Parliamentary Papers) annually published Queensland mining accidents. The material relating to mining accidents can lead to extra information about an ancestor.

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Railway employees

State Library has a number of resources that can provide information on railway employees, especially Queensland. This information, such as location and pay, can help to confirm where an ancestor lived. Discover where to find information on ancestors who worked for the railways in Australia and elsewhere.

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See also Persons called before government committees (located under 'Social history')

Family history is more than just facts. It is finding information that places your ancestors in a specific time in history enabling you to build a picture of their life. By discovering where someone lived or what happened during their life lets you add historical detail to your family tree.

Biographical resources

Biographical resources give information about a person’s life and family. Learn about biographical resources, how they can help with family history research and what are some of the resources available at State Library of Queensland.

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Colonial Secretary's Correspondence letters received re Moreton Bay 1822-1860

Colonial Secretary's Correspondence is the communication between the NSW government and the newly established Queensland colony. It outlines the establishment of the colony of Queensland from its inception to separation. Learn about what information is available and how to access the information.

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Persons called before Queensland Government Committees

People were called before government committees because of their knowledge or expertise. This guide enables researchers to learn more about the role of who was called before government committees, why these records are of interest to family historians and how the records can be accessed.

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Newspapers and family history

Historical newspapers can be an excellent source of information for family history. Discover the type of information you can find in newspapers that might assist you in your family history research. State Library holds an extensive range of Queensland newspapers as well as selected interstate and overseas titles. Find out about some of the newspapers available online.

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Land records

Land records can provide useful family history information. They can help to establish family relationships, and place people in a certain time and place. Check out what is available at State Library and online, to find out whether your ancestor owned land in Queensland or interstate. Discover how you can find out more about the land.

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House history checklist

Every house has a history, even a newly built house. Explore what resources can help in tracing the history of a house, and the land it's built on.

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Gems of English Local History : The Victoria County History series

Local history allows a person to gain an understanding of the life of their ancestor. Discover what Victoria County Histories are, which histories State Library holds and how to access them.

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Adoption records

Find advice on how to access and locate adoption records in Australia, including First Nations peoples adoptions and overseas adoptions. Discover what resources are available to place and trace parties involved in an adoption.

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Australian parish records

Before civil registration began, church records of baptisms, marriages and burials are the main way of tracking the major life events. Find out what parish records are available for churches in Australia, and for what time period. This includes what is held at State Library and elsewhere.

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Biographical resources

Biographical resources give information about a person’s life and family. Learn about biographical resources, how they can help with family history research and what are some of the resources available at State Library of Queensland.

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Birth, death and marriage records

Birth, death and marriage records can provide useful information to trace your family history. Find out what official records are available, and for what time period, in Australia as well as New Zealand and England and Wales. Discover other useful indexes, and learn some helpful tips when searching for birth, death and marriage records.

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Blue Books

The Blue Books (also known as Civil Establishment, Returns of the Colony, or Statistical Returns) were usually published each year. They listed most public servants currently employed by the government. Learn about the Blue Books and discover what information they hold. See what records are held at State Library.

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British Army in Colonial Australia

The duties of the military in colonial Australia are a useful guide to the records available. Many soldiers settled in Australia permanently and acquired land grants. Find out how to locate a military ancestor, and discover some of the resources held at State Library.

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Cemetery records

Cemetery records allow people to trace their ancestors to a particular area and time, and may provide links to other members of the family buried in the same cemetery. Discover the type of information you may get from cemetery records, and find out some of the records held at State Library.

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Census and muster records

Census and muster records show where a person was living at a particular time in history. In Australia, only early 19th century census records still exist. Discover what records are available for Australia, and for where. See what records State Library holds for overseas.

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Colonial Secretary's Correspondence letters received re Moreton Bay 1822-1860

Colonial Secretary's Correspondence is the communication between the NSW government and the newly established Queensland colony. It outlines the establishment of the colony of Queensland from its inception to separation. Learn about what information is available and how to access the information.

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Convict records: getting started

Step by step guide in beginning your search for convict records. Learn how to use British and Australian records, online and at State Library, to find the arrival of your convicts.

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Convict records: finding out even more

Once you locate the right convict, what are the next steps to finding more information? Discover what the British records can tell you. Check out what records are available through Museums of History NSW Archives Collection, and see how these records can help. Find out what State Library holds for Moreton Bay convicts.

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Directories, almanacs and gazetteers

Almanacs, post office and trade directories are useful for tracing the addresses and movements of ancestors. A listing in the directory can help confirm a person’s whereabouts at a certain time. Discover the different types of almanacs, directories and gazetteers; what they can be used for and what State Library holds for each state.

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Divorce records

Records associated with the breakdown of marriage are often those that can most fully 'flesh out' a family history. Divorce files may contain marriage certificates, correspondence and a great deal of information about the family. Discover what divorce records are available and where you can locate them in Australia and overseas.

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Electoral rolls

Electoral rolls list people eligible and registered to vote, whether at federal, state or local government elections. Electoral rolls can provide useful information, showing where a person may have lived over time. Discover what electoral rolls are available at State Library for Queensland and for the other states.

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England and Wales birth, death and marriage indexes

Civil registration began in England and Wales in 1838. Find information about what records are available for births, deaths and marriages in England and Wales. Learn how the birth, death and marriage indexes are arranged, and why some records are hard to find. Discover what other indexes are available and what you can access online.

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Gems of English Local History : The Victoria County History series

Local history allows a person to gain an understanding of the life of their ancestor. Discover what Victoria County Histories are, which histories State Library holds and how to access them.

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German immigrants and immigration

German immigrants began arriving in Australia in large numbers from 1838. They came from areas not necessarily part of the Germany of today. Discover resources that can help with location and general German genealogy, as well as shipping details for German ancestors and other online resources. Learn about what other resources are helpful in tracing immigration details.

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House history checklist

Every house has a history, even a newly built house. Explore what resources can help in tracing the history of a house, and the land it's built on.

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How to trace your family tree

Steps on how to begin tracing your family tree.

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Immigration and shipping: getting started

Settlement in Australia began in 1788 with the arrival of convicts. From there free settlers and immigrants began travelling to Australia under various government schemes. Each state looked after its immigration until the federal government took over in the 1920s. Discover some of the indexes and resources that can be used to locate the immigration records of your ancestors. See what’s available at State Library and what you can find online.

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Immigration and shipping: more than lists

Using State Library collections and online sources find out where to search for immigrant ships and their voyages, explore personal accounts, locate ships' pictures and learn where to find out about the immigrant's experience. Discover where to search for records for seamen or find out about ship wrecks.

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Land records

Land records can provide useful family history information. They can help to establish family relationships, and place people in a certain time and place. Check out what is available at State Library and online, to find out whether your ancestor owned land in Queensland or interstate. Discover how you can find out more about the land.

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Naturalisation records

Non-British migrants did not have the same rights and privileges as British settlers. Legislation in 1849 formalised the process of naturalisation, giving settlers most of the rights their fellow British colonists enjoyed, including the right to own land. Find information about where to locate naturalisation records in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea, and what's available at State Library.

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Newspapers and family history

Historical newspapers can be an excellent source of information for family history. Discover the type of information you can find in newspapers that might assist you in your family history research. State Library holds an extensive range of Queensland newspapers as well as selected interstate and overseas titles. Find out about some of the newspapers available online.

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Knowing an occupation of your ancestor can lead to a better understanding of your ancestors’ life. Find out what resources may help in discovering how your ancestors worked for a living.

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Orphanages, institutions and child migrants records

Children were often sent to orphanages or homes if both parents died or if one parent died and the other couldn't cope, and there was no-one else to care for them. Access to most records relating to orphanages and children’s homes is restricted. Discover what resources are available at State Library and online to help locate records for orphanages, children's institutions and child migrants.

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Persons called before Queensland Government Committees

People were called before government committees because of their knowledge or expertise. This guide enables researchers to learn more about the role of who was called before government committees, why these records are of interest to family historians and how the records can be accessed.

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Police records

Discover where to find police service records in Australia. Find out where to locate police gazettes for each state, and what information is available. Learn where else to find material relating to reports on crimes.

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Pubs and publicans

Pubs played an important role in ancestors’ lives. They were important landmarks and centres of social activities in many towns and cities. They also provided employment for the publicans and many workers.

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Queensland mining accidents

Between 1882 and 1945, the Queensland Legislative Assembly Votes and Proceedings (later known as Queensland Parliamentary Papers) annually published Queensland mining accidents. The material relating to mining accidents can lead to extra information about an ancestor.

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Queensland Post Office Directories (1868-1949)

Post office directories, trade directories and almanacs are useful for tracing the location and movements of people and businesses in the past. A listing can confirm a person’s address at a certain time, and may provide clues as to their occupation or year of death. Discover more about the directories published in Queensland between 1868 and 1949.

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Railway employees

State Library has a number of resources that can provide information on railway employees, especially Queensland. This information, such as location and pay, can help to confirm where an ancestor lived. Discover where to find information on ancestors who worked for the railways in Australia and elsewhere.

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Tracing Huguenot heritage

Huguenots fled France to escape persecution. Approximately 20-30% of the English population have Huguenot ancestors somewhere in their background. Large numbers of migrants from the British Isles came to settle in Australia so many Australians also have Huguenot ancestry. Learn how to identify Huguenot ancestry. Discover the types of records that are available, where they are located and what State Library holds.

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Wills, probate and intestacies

Wills can be a vital resource for family historians, but only approximately 5% -10% of all wills go to probate. They often contain information difficult to access elsewhere. Discover where to locate wills in Australia as well as Great Britain and New Zealand, and how to access them.

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