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First 5 Forever

Ash Barty reading a book to a young girl outside at State Library of Queensland

First 5 Forever

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  • First 5 Forever

Talk, Read, Sing, Play 

While brain development continues through life, from birth to 5 years is the most rapid period of growth for a child’s brain with over a million new connections forming every second. The everyday moments you spend with your child, talking, reading, singing and playing can help build a healthy brain and a healthy body, now and for their future. 


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Online Story Time, Rhyme Time and Baby Play sessions

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Mother and child reading

Free sessions at your local library

Join a free First 5 Forever session at your local library and get ideas to try at home, meet other parents and carers and access fun activities for your child. You can also borrow books to share when you get home. For session times near you, check your local library’s website.
Girl clapping hands

Find your library

Enter a postcode and select a radius to search for a library near you.

Please note these links will take you to the local council website which operates the public library you’re looking for.