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Yuuingan Dhilla Yari

On Monday 21st March 2022, to mark the start of UNESCO’s International Decade of Indigenous Languages, Yuuingan Dhilla Yari – friends, basket, talk in Yuggera language – invited friends to come together to talk about Queensland's Indigenous languages.

The event brought together language speakers and experts, industry professionals, academics, researchers and cultural leaders for insightful and interactive discussions about reviving and using Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages, and how all of us can support Queensland’s many languages to thrive.

Yuuingan Dhilla Yari explored these possibilities for Queensland’s Indigenous languages, taking the conversation from what now to what’s next?

Yuuingan Dhilla Yari 2024 

On Wednesday 28 August 2024, our symposium will bring together Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages speakers, language workers, organisations, cultural leaders and youth for a full day of keynote presentations, panel discussions and workshops.

This year's theme, 'Indigenous Languages and Literacy', highlights the vital role of Indigenous languages in promoting literacy, education, and community engagement, especially as we prepare for Indigenous Literacy Day by prioritising the integration of First Languages into literacy programs.

Learn from leaders of community-led language projects celebrating the survival and revival of Queensland’s first languages during the International Decade of Indigenous Languages, with a focus on empowering youth leadership and integrating language in education.

This free, one-day event will take place at State Library of Queensland. The opening keynote by Ben Bowen of the Indigenous Languages Foundation will be broadcast live online. 

Aerial view of Hinchinbrook Island, 1984

Yuuingan Dhilla Yari 2024

Register now to secure your seat.

The full program will be released in coming weeks.

Event details


Welcome to Country, introduction from Cameron Costello and welcome from Vicki McDonald

Keynote speaker - Professor Jakelin Troy

Keynote speaker - Professor Clint Bracknell

Panel discussion

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3 ladies at the Yuuinagan Dhilla Yari symposium
People at Yuuinagan Dhilla Yari symposium
4 ladies at the Yuuinagan Dhilla Yari symposium
Yuuinagan Dhilla Yari panel discussion
Information desk at Yuuinagan Dhilla Yari
2 ladies having a discussion at Yuuingan Dhilla Yari
Welcome to country Yuuinagan Dhilla Yari
3 adults and 2 children Yuuinagan Dhilla Yari
Man introducing at Yuuingan Dhilla Yari
Cameron Costello
 Professor Jakelin Troy
Professor Clint Bracknell
Panel discussion Yuuingan Dhilla Yari
Mayor Phillemon Mosby, Torres Strait Island Regional Council
Audience at Yuuingan Dhilla Yari
Yuuinagan Dhilla Yari discussion
Yuuinagan Dhilla Yari discussion at table


Yuuingan Dhilla Yari Program

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Minya Birran

Minya Birran

What now for Indigenous languages? 

Learn more