The following article appeared in the Brisbane Courier on 8th February 1916.
Valentine Day.
"That happy and attractive idea - the holding of a "Valentine Day" in aid of the Easter cheer scheme for the men in the Brisbane military camps - gives every indication of having "caught on" with the people of Brisbane, and the Brisbane Girls Club, which is promoting the scheme, is looking forward to next Friday yielding a bountiful harvest for the soldiers. One of the features of the day will be the sale of souvenir photographs of the immortal Nurse Cavell. Caricatures of the ignobel Wilhelm of Germany will be vended for small coins, and in various other ways is this active and patriotic body arranging for the complete success of their praiseworthy effort. "
Although the sale of the tags of Wilhelm failed to go on sale the scheme raised 75 pounds for the soldiers in the Brisbane camps and on the front to enjoy butter and fish at Easter. The Brisbane Girls Club provided " a silver lining to the drab clouds of war"
karen Hind
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