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Rendezvous at YLibrary

By mkajewski | 1 October 2013

The library has traditionally served as a depository of content — a place for collecting and storing data, for research and study, and for smooching between the stacks. 21st century libraries function as the centre of cultural community and intellectual life. Libraries are as much about generating and sharing ideas, as they are about accumulating books and information.

We want to know what you think the library of the future will look like. When all the information you need is online, what will be in the library? Will there even be a library? Will libraries or librarians as we know them today continue to exist? Will digital content kill the library? Should libraries transform themselves into technology hubs or makerspaces, community spaces or …? How do we continue to extend knowledge and literacy in a modern society?

Let’s work together to set out the value, role and purpose of libraries, by addressing ways in which they can act in response to change in order to remain at the centre of their communities.

Help us to describe possible futures of the library by entering our competitions and joining in the online conversations via Twitter #ylibrary, Facebook and the SLQ Today blog. You could win one of four $50 JB Hi Fi vouchers.

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