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Give back lead forward : why every leader should be a mentor and have a mentor (book)

By Administrator | 8 August 2018

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Author: Julian Carleprovides a framework that an individual or an organisation can follow to set out on the path of either mentoring or implementing a mentoring program in their organisation. If you fit into the first category, you are a leader looking to become a mentor, then this book will clearly highlight not only how to go about it, but give you key things to consider when you are trying to identify a potential suitable mentee. If you fit into the second category, and you are looking to implement a formal mentoring program in your organisation, then this book will provide you with the structure that will support your program. Mentoring provides a way for both mentor and mentee to accelerate their leadership learning. This fascinating book covers building trust, giving feedback, resolving issues and the networking benefits mentoring can bring to both mentor and mentees. If both parties listen to each other and take just one idea away from the mentoring session each time, then they are leading forward. Read this book in the Business Studio

Author: Julian Carle
provides a framework that an individual or an organisation can follow to set out on the path of either mentoring or implementing a mentoring program in their organisation. If you fit into the first category, you are a leader looking to become a mentor, then this book will clearly highlight not only how to go about it, but give you key things to consider when you are trying to identify a potential suitable mentee. If you fit into the second category, and you are looking to implement a formal mentoring program in your organisation, then this book will provide you with the structure that will support your program. Mentoring provides a way for both mentor and mentee to accelerate their leadership learning. This fascinating book covers building trust, giving feedback, resolving issues and the networking benefits mentoring can bring to both mentor and mentees. If both parties listen to each other and take just one idea away from the mentoring session each time, then they are leading forward.
Read this book in the Business Studio


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