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Business and entrepreneurs

The excellence dividend : meeting the tech tide with work that wows and jobs that last (book)

By Administrator | 18 September 2018

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Author: Tom PetersManagement guru Tom Peters shows that nothing beats a high-quality product or service, designed and delivered by people who are as dedicated to each other as they are to their shared goal. With his unparalleled expertise and inimitable charisma, Peters offers brilliantly simple, actionable guidelines for success that any business leader can immediately implement, punctuated by incisive quotes from some of today's leading lights in business.Read this book in the Business Studio

Author: Tom Peters
Management guru Tom Peters shows that nothing beats a high-quality product or service, designed and delivered by people who are as dedicated to each other as they are to their shared goal. With his unparalleled expertise and inimitable charisma, Peters offers brilliantly simple, actionable guidelines for success that any business leader can immediately implement, punctuated by incisive quotes from some of today's leading lights in business.
Read this book in the Business Studio


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