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Can Business Save the Earth? : Innovating Our Way to Sustainability (ebook)

By Administrator | 13 June 2018

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Authors: Michael Lenox and Aaron Chatterji Increasingly, business leaders are tasked with developing new products, services, and business models that minimize environmental impact while driving economic growth. It's a tall order--and a call that is only getting louder. In Can Business Save the Earth?, Michael Lenox and Aaron Chatterji explain just how the private sector can help. Many believe that markets will inevitably demand sustainable practices and force them to emerge. But Lenox and Chatterji see it differently. Based on more than a decade of research and work with companies, they argue that a bright green future is only possible with dramatic innovation across multiple sectors at the same time. To achieve this, a broader ecosystem of players--including inventors, executives, customers, investors, activists, and governments--all must play a role. The book outlines how and the extent to which each group can serve as a driver of green growth. Read this book in the Business Studio

Authors: Michael Lenox and Aaron Chatterji
Increasingly, business leaders are tasked with developing new products, services, and business models that minimize environmental impact while driving economic growth. It's a tall order--and a call that is only getting louder. In Can Business Save the Earth?, Michael Lenox and Aaron Chatterji explain just how the private sector can help. Many believe that markets will inevitably demand sustainable practices and force them to emerge. But Lenox and Chatterji see it differently. Based on more than a decade of research and work with companies, they argue that a bright green future is only possible with dramatic innovation across multiple sectors at the same time. To achieve this, a broader ecosystem of players--including inventors, executives, customers, investors, activists, and governments--all must play a role. The book outlines how and the extent to which each group can serve as a driver of green growth.
Read this book in the Business Studio


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